
The Benefits of a Low Carb Lifestyle for Athletes

A low carb lifestyle contributes to your overall health and keeps your body in top physical shape. No one understands this better than professional athletes, which is why so many follow strict diets. Following a low carb diet for athletes can be beneficial for people of all physical levels looking to get in great shape.

3 Reasons Why Athletes Should Live Low Carb

Professional athlete diets are designed to give the body what it needs to remain strong and explosive during long workouts. Recently, many basketball players are eating fewer carbs to gain an edge on their competition and keep their bodies as healthy as possible. Here are a few reasons why these athletes opt for a low carb lifestyle

A low carb diet helps your body burn fat instead of store it.

Eating fewer carbs allows your blood sugar levels to return to normal by limiting spikes from sugar intake. This controls insulin levels, helping your body burn more fat.

Low Carb Eating Habits for Athletes

Instead of loading up on foods that spike blood sugar levels, athletes will eat proteins that help stabilize their blood sugar and insulin levels like chicken, fish, pork, and beef. They balance these proteins with healthy fats including nuts, avocados, olive oil, and other vegetables. A low carb diet for athletes helps their bodies operate in the way they need to perform their best.

Source: atkins.com